Indus Health Network UK

Infant Incubator

Samreen Zehra

Samreen Zehra

My Story

Welcome to my fundraising page! We are committed to making a real difference in the lives of those in need, and we invite you to join us in this noble cause.

Our Pledge: We have pledged to support the Indus Health Network by providing an infant incubator. The Indus Health Network is a beacon of hope for countless individuals who require medical treatment but cannot afford it. Here, patients are treated with the utmost care and compassion, without having to worry about financial constraints.

Why an Infant Incubator? The infant incubator we are pledging for will play a crucial role in saving the lives of newborns in need of critical care. At Indus Health Network, where state-of-the-art treatment is provided free of charge, this incubator will serve as a lifeline for thousands of infants born into poverty and facing health complications.

Your Impact: By donating towards this cause, you become a part of something truly remarkable. Your contribution will not only provide immediate assistance to those in need but will also create a lasting impact. This is Sadaqah Jariyah in its truest form – a continuous charity that benefits individuals and communities for generations to come.

The Power of Zakat: More than 70% of the patients treated at Indus Health Network are Zakat-eligible and come from ultra-poor families. Your Zakat donations can make a world of difference in the lives of these individuals. By directing your Zakat towards our fundraising efforts, you're ensuring that those in need receive the care and support they deserve.

How You Can Help:

  1. Donate: Your donation, no matter the amount, will go directly towards providing an infant incubator and saving precious lives.
  2. Spread the Word: Share our fundraising page with your friends, family, and community. Together, we can amplify our impact and reach more people in need.
  3. Join Our Mission: If you're passionate about making a difference and improving healthcare access for all, consider joining our fundraising efforts. Together, we can create positive change.

Be a Source of Hope: Join us in supporting the Indus Health Network and providing lifesaving care to those who need it most. Together, we can make a tangible difference in the lives of individuals and families in need. Thank you for your generosity and compassion.

Donate Now and Save Lives!

With Gratitude 



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

Welcome to my fundraising page! We are committed to making a real difference in the lives of those in need, and we invite you to join us in this noble cause.

Our Pledge: We have pledged to support the Indus Health Network by providing an infant incubator. The Indus Health Network is a beacon of hope for countless individuals who require medical treatment but cannot afford it. Here, patients are treated with the utmost care and compassion, without having to worry about financial constraints.

Why an Infant Incubator? The infant incubator we are pledging for will play a crucial role in saving the lives of newborns in need of critical care. At Indus Health Network, where state-of-the-art treatment is provided free of charge, this incubator will serve as a lifeline for thousands of infants born into poverty and facing health complications.

Your Impact: By donating towards this cause, you become a part of something truly remarkable. Your contribution will not only provide immediate assistance to those in need but will also create a lasting impact. This is Sadaqah Jariyah in its truest form – a continuous charity that benefits individuals and communities for generations to come.

The Power of Zakat: More than 70% of the patients treated at Indus Health Network are Zakat-eligible and come from ultra-poor families. Your Zakat donations can make a world of difference in the lives of these individuals. By directing your Zakat towards our fundraising efforts, you're ensuring that those in need receive the care and support they deserve.

How You Can Help:

  1. Donate: Your donation, no matter the amount, will go directly towards providing an infant incubator and saving precious lives.
  2. Spread the Word: Share our fundraising page with your friends, family, and community. Together, we can amplify our impact and reach more people in need.
  3. Join Our Mission: If you're passionate about making a difference and improving healthcare access for all, consider joining our fundraising efforts. Together, we can create positive change.

Be a Source of Hope: Join us in supporting the Indus Health Network and providing lifesaving care to those who need it most. Together, we can make a tangible difference in the lives of individuals and families in need. Thank you for your generosity and compassion.

Donate Now and Save Lives!

With Gratitude